The Property Administration Unit oversees the management and control of the Council’s properties also known as Immovable Property Assets.
The unit is responsible for the following functions :
Assistant Manager: Mr.George Ramogogane
Tel: 053 928 235 7
Email: ramogogane
Naledi Local Municipality
Vryburg, North West Province
Tel: 053 928 2200
Monday – Friday : 07:30 – 16:00
Local Emergency Contacts
General Enquiries: 053 928 2200 (24 hours)
Rapid Response: 053 928 2252
Fire: 053 928 2295/78
Crime Patrollers: 053 928 2225
Electricity: 053 928 2290
Vryburg Police Station: 053 928 4022
Joe Morolong Hospital: 053 928 9000
Useful Contacts
GBV Command Centre: 0800 428 428
Persons with disabilities: SMS ‘help’ to 31531
Women Abuse Helpline: 0800 150 150
Child line: 0800 055 555
SAPS Crime Stop: 0860 10111
SMS Crime Line: 32211
National AIDS Helpline: 0800 012 322
Quick Links
Visitors Counter
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