Integrated Development Plan
It is a plan that is elaborative and strategic in guiding municipalities to eradicate Service Delivery backlogs, encourages Socio-economic development, preserve and conserve natural environment, address spatial disparities of development and deliver on agreed priorities translated into projects and programs with clearly defined targets and outputs in a five year cycle.
IDP has element of Performance management system in line with chapter 6 of Municipal Systems Act 32 of 2000 in the form of a framework. The PMS framework is a strategic approach that empowers leaders, Managers, employees and other stakeholders to plan regularly, monitor continuously, measure periodically, and review performance of the municipality according to the adopted indicators, and targets for efficiency, effectiveness and impact.
The IDP and PMS are seamless process because PMS provides mechanism of monitoring, reviewing reporting on IDP as a result there should be an alignment between IDP and PMS.
Central to IDP and PMS is Public Participation prescribed in Municipal Systems Act Chapter 4. Communities should be consulted during the identification of needs and prioritisation of Projects, setting of KPIs and targets and monitoring of projects implementation. This process and mechanism helps in ensuring accountability of the municipality.
All of the processes is involved in the Development or Review of the IDP are legislated and regulated in line with Municipal Systems Act, MFMA and Municipal Performance Regulations.
All processes have deadlines which the municipality has to honour and comply with. NLM is striving to ensure compliance with IDP regulations and legislation on an annually and alignment of the IDP and Performance areas and targets.
Naledi Local Municipality
Vryburg, North West Province
Tel: 053 928 2200
Monday – Friday : 07:30 – 16:00
Local Emergency Contacts
General Enquiries: 053 928 2200 (24 hours)
Rapid Response: 053 928 2252
Fire: 053 928 2295/78
Crime Patrollers: 053 928 2225
Electricity: 053 928 2290
Vryburg Police Station: 053 928 4022
Joe Morolong Hospital: 053 928 9000
Useful Contacts
GBV Command Centre: 0800 428 428
Persons with disabilities: SMS ‘help’ to 31531
Women Abuse Helpline: 0800 150 150
Child line: 0800 055 555
SAPS Crime Stop: 0860 10111
SMS Crime Line: 32211
National AIDS Helpline: 0800 012 322
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